Conservation Plans
What is a Conservation Plan?
A Soil Conservation and Water Quality Plan (SCWQP) is a document that lays out the steps for how an agricultural landowner will implement specific conservation practices on their land.
A Plan is tool to help farmers protect and enhance the natural resources that support productive and profitable farming operations. Soil conservation planners in the District's Agriculture Department work with Farmers and landowners to develop and carry out conservation plans utilizing best management practices (BMPs) to manage and protect land and water quality while optimizing productivity.
The District's technicians support the implementation of the conservation BMPs outlined in the plan, through assistance with BMP design, installation and permit compliance. Planners and technicians can also producers and landowners with applications for federal and state cost-share programs that can financially support BMP implementation.
Acquiring and applying a plan is free and voluntary (unless the farm is located in the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, in Ag Land Preservation or participating in cost-share programs). Contact the District for more information or to schedule a farm visit.

What is Included in a Conservation Plan?
Plans typically include the following:
An aerial photograph, map or diagram of the farm
An inventory of natural resources on the property
A soil map showing the type and location of soils on the farm
A list of management decisions, agreed upon BMPs and implementation schedule.
An operation and maintenance plan for installed BMPs
Additional information on soil loss, seeding, tillage and fertilization may also be included.
Click through the slideshow below to see an example of each component.