Johnsongrass, Shattercane, Palmer Amaranth, Tall Waterhemp and Thistles have been declared prohibited noxious weeds in Maryland. These weeds must be controlled by anyone owning or managing land within the State. Seeds from these noxious weeds are transported by wind, water and man once the plants have matured. These weeds threaten the productive land of farmers and cause unsightly and unwanted problems in lawns and gardens of homeowners.
General control practices include mowing, cultivation and/or treatment with approved herbicide.
Spray Assistance
Should you or someone you know have noxious weeds and need assistance controlling them, Baltimore County's Noxious Weed Control Program provides spray services on a fee for service basis.
If noxious weeds are spotted on your property by Baltimore County's weed control coordinator, you will be cited and sent an advisory notice informing you that by law you are required to control them. Failure to control noxious weeds within the time allotted will result in a possible fine.
For more information on the County's Weed Control program and to report noxious weeds
along County or State roads, please contact your County's Weed Coordinator.
For assistance with weed identification, see links below or contact
your local University of Maryland Extension office.
Bull Thistle, Cirsium vulgare, designated in 1984
Canada Thistle, Circium arvense, designated in 1984
Johnsongrass, Sorghum halepense, designated in 1969
Musk/Knodding Thistle, Carduus nutans, designated in 1984
Palmer amaranth, Amaranthus palmeri, designated in 2020
Plumeless Thistle, Carduus acanthoides, designated in 1984
Shattercane, Sorghum bicolor, designated in 1987
Tall Waterhemp, Amaranthus tuberculatus, A. rudis, designated in 2020
Click here for a copy of Maryland's Noxious Weed Law.
Click here for a copy of Maryland's Noxious Weed Regulations.

Jim Calao
Maryland Dept. of Agriculture
Administrative Officer
Plant Protection & Weed Management Office
(410) 562-3054

Susi Ponce
Maryland Dept. of Agriculture
Plant Protection & Weed Management Office
(410) 841-5920